SNI Digital, Innovations in Learning, a 3D Live video journal which is interactive with discussion,
and now offers this program on podcasts on Apple, Amazon, and Spotify. Look for SNI Digital. In association with SNI Surgical Neurology International, a 2D internet journal is pleased to present
another in this series, SNI Digital Investigative Series, on Dr. Blalock reports concerned with medically related controversies of today.
This report is entitled Measles in the USA, Fact and Fiction.
Dr. Blalock is CEO of Theoretical Neuroscience Research, Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Neuroinflammation Section of Surgical Neurology International and SI Digital. a board-certified clinical
nutritionist, creator and editor of the Blalock Wellness Report, author of multiple book scientific papers, and a health commentator on radio TV, and on the epic times.
It's written a number of books, the liver cure and natural strategies for cancer patients, Dr. Blalock's prescriptions for natural health, excitotoxins is a concept which he's developed, which
underlies the inflammation in many diseases. And a book with Dr. Osmond as a co-author ofOn the China Virus, What is the Truth?
He writes the monthly newsletter, The Blalock Wellness Report, which is available through wellnessreportnewsmaxcom.
So Russell, I sent you to them this morning about what RFK Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recommended
the treatment of measles epidemic or the measles outbreak in Texas, and he recommended it out in vitamin A, and you were just commenting to me about
the history of that. Yeah, the public health authorities, the people trying to perpetuate fear and all of this reaction to it,
the research was very, very plain And it's not new, it's at least a decade over. And what these people do is every time they're asked about measles, oh, they interview a couple of people from the
university who say, Oh, it's so deadly, it's just terrible. And what we all knew and what is well demonstrated is
that their mortality they use is always the African mortality, not the American And we knew that Meso's mortality in America was. 110 of 1.
The measles mortality in Africa is 30.
And so what they did, they took a bunch of Africans, knowing that they were malnutrition and had parasitic infection, they gave vitamin A. Their mortality fell to what it was in America, less
than 1. And then they added zinc and a couple other nutrition factors. We knew they kept it low in America And they had the very same mortality that America had, less than 1.
They do this with everyone they did with hepatitis B. Well, they didn't compare the United States, which has the lowest hepatitis B in the world. And many times it doesn't even have to be treated,
it just disappears. They use African rates, knowing that these people were often severely amount nutritious and had many parasitic infection. and they had a much higher mortality rate than
Americans. They were seeing the same thing for all infection, not just measles, but for all these viral infections, vitamin A, zinc, vitamin C, reduce the mortality tremendously.
And it's all related to malnutrition. And they know that. That's why they always use African mortality rates for all these diseases, not American,
or developed countries. Well, if you read the news, I mean, I sent you the article. If you read the article, it's like this guy is crazy, RFK is crazy, and it's gonna be a terrible disease,
and he's already doing things that are bad. And you're coming up with, I'm glad I asked you the question this morning. It's the same answer.
Yeah, and you and I grew up in a period in which there was no vaccine. And there, all of us got measles. I mean, everybody in my school got measles. Nobody got seriously ill, nobody died. I
don't remember anybody in my town dying of measles. And so it was absolutely nonsense. We call these childhood diseases. You just went through it. It lasted about three or four days, then it
disappeared and then you were immune for a lifetime. Now what Neil Z. Miller, who is a friend of mine, and we published before, he researched this and he showed that the mortality from measles
had fallen over 95
before the vaccine was ever created. And that the vaccine did not change the descent at all. It just continued to descend until there was almost no mortality from me. And what they don't realize is
when they say that our child is hospitalized because of measles, it's for dehydration, which you do with all pediatric cases. They get dehydrated very easily. And so you have to hospitalize them,
you just hydrate them and send them back home. It's not because measles is so deadly and terrible. It's just an absolute lie. The only people who have terrible reactions are the people who have
other infections or have an immune deficiency, which is a very small percentage. And they don't tell people because this is all about fear. They're trying to scare people to death. And where did
these measles come from? It came from the immigrants who came into this country, millions of them. They bought it with them. And there was a book written over a decade ago, several decades ago in
which public health authority You had good sense, warned. what is gonna happen to America when these people pour into the United States? That book, and she would ban for writing it.
Oh, the secret. They wanted to keep it as secret.
Incredible, another incredible story, so. No, I would suggest that people look up the name Neil Z. Miller on the internet. He's written three books One shows this fall in all these infections
before a vaccine was ever created. And then he wrote two books collecting all the research papers and his second volume. He has
one of my research papers in his book. So I would recommend you get these two because they show the funniness of a whole lot of this and that things like the flu vaccine actually put you at much
higher risk of getting pneumonia. dying of pneumonia within a year. Why is that? It interferes with the immune system.
And so they are a lot more susceptible to getting bacterial pneumonias, which kill most elderly that get pneumonias in this country.
They never tell you that. It's a secret. And I know most physicians don't know that. I didn't know that, so Neil Z. Miller showed me the research that had been done. And he had published these
two books, which is a collection of all research about every vaccine made, which is fantastic set
of books. Everybody ought to get it.
Okay, terrific. These are the key references to this talk. We advise you to take screenshots for your records and then you can look at them later for further information.
These are two of the books recommended by Dr. Blalock in his talk today on vaccine safety and another on critical vaccine studies by Dr. Neil C. Miller. Dr. Blalock, commentant on the first book
and the fourth.
Take a screenshot. These are the first set of references. There are six references. Take a screenshot here for your records on measles and vitamin A.
And the second set of references, five more references on measles and vitamin A
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Foundation supporting these journals believe there are many ways to learn. One of them is Surgical Neurology International, a 2D Internet Journal, edited by Nancy Epstein. Its web address is
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Surgical Neurology International is read in 239 countries and territories, is the third largest readership in neurosurgery. And SNI Digital Innovations and Learning has been published just for the
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